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The easiest way to contact your doctor is through an online consultation

Using our Anima System

Contact Your GP Online Here

Please do not use this service to request face-to-face or telephone appointments

(No pre-registration required)

Register with SystmOnline to book an appointment via the link below

Systmonline Login

to access this service, you must be registered with our practice

Calling for an Appointment

Call between

Make an appointment online

For your convenience, we now offer several ways to get in touch with us, including online services. We recommend you try this first if you can since this service can be more efficient than calling the surgery. Our online service is simple, easy to use, and secure.  Our navigation team manages the service during core opening hours and allows us to route you to the right care quickly.

Anima is open for requests from 7:30 AM every weekday and closes at 5:30 PM.

You can also use the online service if you are a parent or carer acting for someone else within the practice.

For advice and treatment from our healthcare team, you can now contact us to arrange:

  • Telephone and face-to-face appointments
  • Medical advice for common problems
  • Repeat prescriptions
  • New fit notes/fit note extensions and GP letters
  • Results from recent tests

Contacting us by telephone

If you cannot use our online service please help us to manage call demand by considering when you contact us and which option you need.

To book a routine telephone appointment with a GP, please call as close to 8.00 am as possible.

Our telephone options are:

1. For GP appointments, home visits, or test results

2. For prescription requests and queries

3. For nurse appointments, the COVID vaccination team, podiatry, and District Nurses

4. For insurance and medical reports

5. For referral queries

You can find your practice’s phone number by visiting our ‘About‘ page.

Translation services

It is important for all of our patients, regardless of background or circumstance, to be able to understand their consultations and take an active part in their care. Where needed, translation services can be provided for patients who cannot speak English, or use British Sign Language. Translation services are provided by Language Empire.

If you or someone you know requires an interpreter for any consultations, please let us know the language you speak. We will amend your medical records with this information to make your ongoing care easier for you to access.

Remote consultation

You may be offered a remote consultation as an alternative to attending the practice in person. If the clinician feels you may require a physical examination or face-to-face appointment, they will arrange this during your remote consultation.

If you agree to a remote consultation the GP or healthcare professional may need to receive and store images taken by patients for clinical purposes; this could include images for intimate clinical assessment. This will only be done in the interests of the patient where it is necessary for providing health care and with patient consent.

The approach to video consulting, image sharing, and storage is the same as it would be for face-to-face interactions. If we need to store images on your GP record this will be only for as long as necessary. It is a patient’s choice to share an image either of a patient’s own accord or on the request of the health professional treating you.  Refusal to share an image does not prevent access to care and treatment or result in patients receiving an inferior standard of care. Further details about how remote consultation works can be obtained by contacting the practice.


Set out in the Equality Act 2010 all health and care services have a legal duty to ensure that they adapt and support people with disabilities to be able to access services in a way that they are accessible for everyone else. This includes people with a physical disability, sensory disability, learning disability or a long term condition such as dementia.

By identifying the need and providing reasonable adjustments in a timely and effective manner it can lead to improved outcomes and experiences for patients and health and care staff.

For more information on reasonable adjustments, click here.

Named GP

All patients have a named GP who is responsible for their overall care at the practice. If you do not know who your named GP is or if you have a preference as to which GP you have, please contact the surgery and the practice will try to accommodate your request.

Medical Students – Consent and confidentiality

Medical students may be present at our practice in order for them to gain valuable clinical experience. Please make the receptionist aware if you do not wish them to be present during your appointment and/or to view your medical record.

This will not affect your care in any way and your right to confidentiality in every aspect of your care is understood and respected.

Care and support planning

We provide a Year of Care annual recall system to support people who have long term conditions.  This aims to give you the opportunity to get more out of your annual review appointments by reorganising the way things happen and giving you more information before you see your nurse or doctor. It should help you to talk about:

  • What is important to you
  • What you can do to look after your health and stay well
  • What support you may need

Who is it for?

Anyone with a long term condition like diabetes for example

Why change things?
It will help both you and the doctor or nurse make the best use of the time you have in your care and support planning appointment. All the important tests and results needed at your appointment will be available to you before the appointment as well as an opportunity to think through what questions you want to ask and identify your key concerns which you want to talk about.

What does this mean for me?
This means that your care and support planning review will usually take place over two separate appointments and you will have time to think about what you want to get out of these visits.

What happens at the first appointment?
At the first appointment you will be asked to attend the surgery to have any checks or tests (e.g. blood tests, breathing tests) done with a healthcare assistant. The healthcare assistant will book your next appointment which will be with a doctor or nurse.

What happens next?
Your test results from this appointment will be sent to you with an explanation of what they mean. There will also be a space on the letter for you to make notes along with the details for your next appointment and who you will be seeing. This will give you a chance to think about what you would like to talk about at your care and support planning appointment. It`s helpful if you bring this letter with you.

What happens at the care and support planning appointment?
At your care and support planning appointment you will be able to ask questions and talk about what’s important to you and your doctor or nurse will raise any issues they are concerned about. Once you both agree on one or two main things to work on, you will get the chance to work out a plan and identify any support you need to help you look after your health.

Northumbria Primary Care